Entries by Canna b2b

Cannabis May Pose a Threat to Currently Used Pharmaceuticals – Even in Oncology

Pure Cannabidiol as well as whole plant cannabinoid extracts demonstrate amazing biological activity and they could substitute a wide range of synthetic medicaments currently sold on the market, says Czech researcher Jan Storch, Ph.D. from the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Possible Cancer Cure It has been proven that […]

Is the Czech Republic Becoming a Cannabis Research Superpower?

The foundation of International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute (ICCI) in Prague at the end of 2015 confirmed that the Czech Republic is a very cannabis-friendly country not only in terms of popular recreational use, but also in terms of research, health issues and business opportunities. The Minister of Health, Svatopluk Němeček, pointed out during the […]

Bob Marley’s Name behind the World’s first Global Cannabis Brand

The fourth most successful musician of all times is now becoming the face of Marley Natural – first global cannabis brand owned and run by cannabis investment company Privateer Holdings.Their goal is to introduce a set of top quality products tailored specifically for each country and each market according to the legal situation. If you […]

Slovakia: Politicians Still Living in “Reefer Madness” Delusions

Parliamentary elections will be held this year in Slovakia, and one of the biggest newspapers in country Nový čas (New Time) laid out a set of questions for nine of the most prominent politicians, one of them being “Would you decriminalize marijuana?”. Reprehensible Ignorance Unfortunately, the answers showed how misinformed and poorly educated Slovakian politicians […]

How to Fill a Gap in the Market? Combine “Weed” and Technology

To find and make use of a hole in the market is not an easy task these days. Sometimes you can see the opportunity, but the laws and authorities prohibit the realization of your ideas – for example if you want to use the potential of cannabis and start the so called “cannabusiness”, the prohibition […]

Medical Cannabis in the Czech Republic – How Much and For How Much?

The discussion about medical cannabis in the Czech Republic is heating up in professional circles as well as among members of general public. A lot has already been said about potential (in)efficiency of cannabis in modern medicine, so let us take a different look at this issue now – what is the real situation in […]